Last Action Hero Movie Review

With an acting career as large as Arnold Schwarzenegger's, you're bound to have a few stinkers under your belt. However, few have the reputation of Last Action Hero. The first film which Schwarzenegger was credited as executive producer, Last Action Hero released to a buzz of hype to science fiction movie reviews take on.... Jurassic Park. Well t

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Reigo King of the Sea Monsters Movie Review

So it's been years since Gamerathon 3 and I've still yet to get a chance to watch Gamera 4: The Truth. HOWEVER, that doesn't mean I can't find more kaiju flicks directed by the man who created it! That brings us to Reigo: King of the Sea Monsters. It's a big monster (blog post) from the deep sea, and it likes to smash things. That's.. pretty much

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Horror Movie Parodies with a Comedic Turn

The Lobster (2015) - This darkly humorous and funny film that follows a man's quest to find his love in a society that has gone through a transition is a unique and (blog post) thought-provoking watch. The movie explores issues of affection, love, and identities in a striking as well as absurd manner. Performances by the cast in particular, C

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Nature Unleashed: Volcano movie review by Decker Shado

A "blast" from the past, the Nature Unleashed series of movies from Nu Image were a special breed. Theoretically based on science, the need to make them larger than life stories tended to grant more than a little artistic license, which we see well on display in today's review of Nature Unleashed: Volcano. A bad movies man loses his wife, an

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Decker Shado film analysis

Decker Shado AlienĀ³ Movie Review. Alien Cubed, where we glimpse into the square root of all evil! Or not, as I'm just making things up. The point is, a lot of decisions were done on the fly in this movie, which was put together in such a haphazard self-destructive (get more info) way, it's actually very impressive that it turned out as well as it

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